Dining & Bar

Dining & Bar

While you’ll be staying at our hotel, you will be able to enjoy our exquisite food menu available both at our lobby restaurant and a summer terrace, just as well as order menu items upstairs, as a part of our room service. We offer both meat & fish dishes and vegetarian menu items… On the ground floor of the main square of Montecatini high, the Giardino restaurant offers a pizzeria and open bar. International cocktail. Craft ice cream cups come “Eat and Drink”, “ice cream spaghetti”, “banana split”, served in Piazza Giusti. For the most demanding, a panoramic garden overlooking the valley of Pistoia and Florence. Over 350 mtq of garden suitable for ceremonies. Just relax.

Main Courses Menu

Fresh local baby whiting fillets in a sesame and parsley crumb s/w chips salad lemon and tartare... This is a lunch that will leave you asking for more!
Home-made Tortelloni pasta, filled with fresh truffle from the high montains, served with quality butter or our own extravergine olive oil and fresh sage. The strng scent of truffle dominates the plate, while the pasta melts in your month.
Six-course Tasting Menu:
HOME-MADE thick spahetti-pasta made tu melt in your mouth.

Desserts Menu

Cheesecake alle Fragole
The classic Italian dessert with vin santo, chocolate shavings & orange zest
Torta al Cioccoato

Drinks Menu

Florentine-style tripe Ingredients for 6: 1 kg. tripe - 2 red onions - 2 carrots - 1 stick of celery - 1/2 kg. peeled tomatoes – grated Parmigiano cheese - olive oil Method: Wash the tripe and cut it into thin strips of about 7-8 cm long. Finely chop the onions, celery and carrots, mix and fry lightly in a little olive oil. As soon as the onion begins to soften, add the tripe, turning frequently so it absorbs the flavor of the vegetables. After 15-20 minutes, add the drained, peeled tomatoes (make sure you remove the seeds beforehand to get rid of the acid taste). Add salt and pepper and continue cooking for about an hour over a low heat so the liquid from the tripe and the tomatoes is absorbed.
Filetto ai due pepi Ingredienti per 6 persone 6 fette di filetto di manzo farina 3 cucchiai pepe verde 3cucchiai di pepe rosa in salamoia 1 bicchierino di cognac 4 cucchiai di panna 3 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva sale Preparazione Sgocciolate dalla salamoia il pepe rosa e il pepe verde, lavatelo e asciugatelo. Passate le fette di filetto nella farina e mettetele in una padella in cui avrete fatto scaldare l'olio: rosolatele velocemente e salate. Unite il pepe schiacciato precedentemente in un mortaio e il bicchierino di cognac. Fate evaporare l’alcol, aggiungete la panna che si dovrà addensare e servite il filetto su un piatto caldo con la sua salsa.
Mixed vegetable fry

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